MIXHELL is Iggor Cavalera (formerly of metal heavyweights- Sepultura) and his wife Laima Leyton. We caught a short DJ set by them and their friend Data (France) last monday at The Beauty Bar. They are currently on a U.S. tour. You can catch them at the following dates:
Feb. 09 - Echoplex Los Angeles, California (w/ Data)
Feb. 11 - Beauty Bar Los Angeles, California
Feb. 12 - Vice Party, Las Vegas, Nevada
Feb. 14 - Hiro Ballroom New York, New York (w/ Moby)
Feb. 15 - Click @ Fluid Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Mar. 13 - AM Only SXSW showcase at Beauty Bar Texas
Mar. 13 - SXSW - Vice Scion Metal Show at Stubbs Texas
Mar. 13 - Vice SXSW showcase at Vice Texas
Mar. 15 - Vice Scion Dance Show at Stubbs Texas
Mar. 15 - Vice Late Late Night Party Texas
Iggor is currently playing drums for the Cavalera Conspiracy with his brother Max. Their debut album, Inflikted, is by far the metal album of the year!
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