The internet has been heating up with a lot of talk about Jay-Z being a part of a secret society or a member of the Illuminati. Although this has yet to be proven, Jay-Z uses quite a but of occult imagery and masonic symbols in many of his videos and lyrics.
Vigilant Citizen is a website devoted to understanding the symbols that urrounding us by discovering their origin, which is often found deeply hidden in occult mysteries. The site goes beyond the face value of symbols in pop culture to reveal their esoteric meaning.
Vigilant Citizen recently took a look into the occult symbolism in Jay-Z's videos for "On To The Next One" and "Run This Town." Take a look for yourself, get educated, and the make your own decision. Is Jay-Z is part of some sort of occult order, or is he just using symbolism to get the internet talking?
"Shortly after the American continent said goodbye to 2009, Jay-Z came on TV and said “On to the Next One”. The video premiered on 01/01/10, which in Kabbalistic numerology equals 3 (0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 1+ 0 = 3). The number 3 is an important theme of the video. The release date also contains three 1’s, which is reminiscent of the three bars representing Jay-Z’s album The Blueprint 3. This is just an example of the occult aura surrounding Jay-Z latest works.
During the video, a black skull and a silver skull are displayed with liquid pouring on them. The symbol of the human skull has always been of utmost importance in occult Brotherhoods. The Knight Templars (ancestors of the Freemasons) made new members drink wine (representative of blo0d) from a human skull as part of their initiation. This practice is still found in some rites of Freemasonry."
- Drew
Labels: Jay Z
Occultist Aleister Crowley 2012 website thanks Jay-Z for raising awareness of the occult, freemasonry and illuminati:
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