We are gearing up for Eyeone's upcoming show with Patrick Martinez which opens at Tradition on March 21st. We just posted a lengthy interview with Eyeone in our features section. You can read that here.
I have known EYEONE for well over 15 years. Aside from being a talented artist (both graffiti and fine art), an amazing graphic artist, and a curator, Eyeone used to own and operate The Macondo, an all ages punk and hardcore venue (and cultural center), that lasted from the mid to late nineties. For a number of years The Macondo was the only home for punk and hardcore in Los Angeles. Eyeone currently works as an artist and recently published a book of Los Angeles graffiti called Lost.
Lost - Ten Years is a special edition book celebrating a decade of the publication of the L.A.-based 'zine Lost | Graffiti in the City of Angels. The book features highlights from the long out of print first 12 issues, as well as unpublished material from some of L.A.’s most influential graffiti writers, and the true pioneers that pushed the limits of this art form on the streets of Los Angeles. Lost | Graffiti in the City of Angels began in 1998 as a self published D.I.Y photocopied fanzine started by EYEONE of the Seeking Heaven Crew. Though Graffiti as we know originated on the East Coast, it was the L.A. based graffiti writers that set new standards, bombing freeway overpasses, heaven spots, and scaling huge buildings in the never-ending pursuit to push the limits of their art form. Just as graffiti has evolved over the years, so has LOST as a publication. We sat down with EYEONE to talk about his inspiration, the evolution of LOST, and his thoughts about Graffiti in Los Angeles.
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