I came across these photos online of a shirt someone made in 1997 protesting my bands tour. This was a time in hardcore where everyone was trying to be ultra PC, and for some reason people couldn't fathom the idea of a band getting paid $1,000 a show. Looking back, it's actually quite funny. $1,000 split 5 ways is $200 per person, not factoring in gas, food, hotels, and other travel expenses. Basically this kid was mad they were were pulling in what an average person working a regular job should be making! Haha...
I always tried to explain to these kids that if we charge $10 for a show and 500 kids show up that simples math should tell you that there is $5,000. Now who should be making that money? The band? The club? The promoter? Looking back, we should have been making even more!
Unfortunately, I don't personally own one of these shirts, but I would love to add it to my collection!
Just hand over the green!
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