For the past four years Brian Peterson has been assembling a book about the 1990s hardcore music scene called Burning Fight: The Nineties Hardcore Revolution in Ethics, Politics, Spirit, and Sound. While Steven Blush's American Hardcore was an excellent examination of the pioneers of the hardcore punk movement, after reading his book one gets the impression that hardcore died in 1986. Although that particular era of hardcore may have ended in 1986, an influx of new bands took the genre to new places, the story of which shall be told in the book, Burning Fight.
The book will feature several sections with input from over 100 musicians, zine-makers, D.I.Y. practitioners, activists, and hooligans from this era. The chapters will focus on nineties hardcore era straightedge, animal rights/vegetarianism/veganism, politics/ethics/activism, spirituality, and revolutions in sound--the "sound" section will contain "oral history" articles on bands including Earth Crisis, 108, Unbroken, Quicksand, Strife, Los Crudos, Inside Out, Burn, Shelter, Endpoint, Lifetime, Groundwork, Integrity, Swing Kids, Chokehold, Vegan Reich, Avail, Threadbare, Cave In, Snapcase, Spitboy, Undertow, Deadguy, Racetraitor, Texas is the Reason, Split Lip, Ressurection, Damnation A.D., Rorschach, Coalesce and many others.
You can read a short interview with Brian Peterson here, or learn more information about the book from his Myspace page.
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